The first page to this blog is my first attempted at blogging my journey to making money online. The sites you see here are all the places I have visited or joined since I started this blog in 2008. Some of the websites are no longer around because this is what happens in the online internet world. It is a marathon race to riches.

I continue on my journey while making great progress along the way. There is much to learn about making money online. If this is the journey you want to take, I'll be happy to provide you with a road map to your success.

You are welcome to visit my other site at:
Here you will find my recommendation and review of some of the Best Online Coaching Mentors that will lead you to Making Money Online In A Very Short Time.

The Power Of TeamWork

My little 4 year old niece watches this kid show every morning and one of the songs I hear is about team work.  The words are: Whats gonna work - Team Work!  Whats gonna work - Team Work!

Everyone knows by now that you really don't have good odds of accomplishing affiliate, network, or multi-level marketing without the power of teamwork.

We all know the old Acronym for
TEAM - Together We Achieve More. 

Well this is entirely true.  

The L Team --Its The Power of Teamwork!

I finally came to the realization that I don't have to run the race alone.  
I joined up a sales team of affiliate and network marketers who work as a team to sell the top products in affiliate marketing today. 

We work together to promote and sell each others products.

It feels great to be a part of a team working together.  

The way this team works is everyone puts in an hour or so a week collecting credits on traffic exchanges, talking to their friends, posting blog entries, and promoting the product.

Once you and your friends see it and want to give it a shot, you join up with our site.

The L Team uses a unique method we developed called "The Layer Method" Members join our team and are separated into Layers.

Each layer consists of approximately 200 members. The layers are then applied to build down lines in a shotgun style sign up to each of our primary products.

You pay absolutely nothing to join our team. Make an account, check out the forum, browse around.

We have an absolutely totally unique support system, we are here in the forums and there is a contact link on every page of our website so if you ever have a question or need assistance you can contact us and ask for help without even a second thought or bit of trouble. We also have a public account system. 

This account is funded by members. In your times of hardship or times of need, you can request access to these funds to help you pay your product fees, just keep in mind when you succeed in this team we ask you to return the money when possible and 
that availability and demand may vary so they may not always be available or you may be on a waiting list to receive funds.

If you are like me and want to get it going NOW, join our team

I'm about to snare thousands of serious visitors and sales onto my web site!

Well, thats what the ad said! While thinking about this, I thought...hmmm...I can get free advertisement on other people websites wherever the IM market their business using SlideUpAds. So I hurried up and joined.

SlideUpAds is a free, unique ad exchange service that helps your ads get noticed like never before!  When you join Leon Klepfish SlideUpAds, your ads scroll up unobtrusively at the bottom of any web page. You can customize your message and links with absolutely no programming experience, making it easy to spread the word about your offer.

Plus, SlideUpAds lets you put your ad on ANY of our member websites - giving you even greater exposure than before!  And It's FREE!

And when you join at the Lifetime SlideUpAds Gold Account level...For Only $47--- Your membership will include 50,000 SlideUpAds Credits... Worth $50 + Over 100 eBook and Software Titles With Master Resale Rights... Worth $1,797.  Plus Ongoing 50% Commissions To Your Clickbank account if you have one.

After you've logged in, you can create or edit your ads, get the SlideUpAds code for your website, find
your referral code, and buy credits. Simply place your code provided on your web page and you are good to go.

You should be able to see it in action at the bottom of my website below.  And when you click on the ad, it opens in another window for you to view.  Just image you ad being shown on other peoples site everywhere they place an ad.

Review Notes:
2 Thumbs Up -- The viewer can click the "x" to the right of the ad to remove it. 

The race is not given to the swift nor the strong but to he that endures to the end.? Matt 24:13

I am still on this marathon race to riches as of October 15, 2010.  Along the race
I have found many opportunities that I stopped by to see if it was a fix for me and
I also found many opportunities that were not a fit for me. 

There really are some great opportunities online to internet marketing that won't cost you
your life savings. 

I found several opportunities for as little as one dollar ($1) for a 30 day trial, 7 day trial
and 14 day trial.  My advice to you is, if you're going to take the trial first, then make
sure you are able to dedicate the time to that trial period or else you will just view
the opportunity as another flop when if fact, you just didn't give it your attention.

The race continues and I'm not tire yet! :)  I'm actually having a great experience and
making a little income as well.